Positioning yourself is the most tricky part in golf and you should be certainly be able to do this as a measure to improving your golf swing. All that you have to do is to imagine a line between the flag you are targeting and the ball. You should now position yourself parallel to this imaginary line. This is the basics of golf and would greatly help in improving the golf swing.
Holding the golf club correctly is essential. Improving the golf swing would become very simple and easy if one of these three different methods is followed. The Vardon or Overlapping Grip, Interlocking Grip and the Baseball Grip are the three most commonly used methods.
Baseball grip method best suits young children and elders who have small hands. The next method for improving your golf swing is Vardon or Overlapping method in which the smallest finger in the right hand is kept between the index and middle finger in the left hand. In the next method, which is called as the Interlocking method in golf, the index finger of the left hand and the little finger on the right hand are locked together producing a grip.
The next technique which helps in improving the golf swing is the grip of the left hand. The club should be held in the left hand with the shaft lying across the top of the fingers. The thumb can as well be placed straight across the top of the fingers in order to have a natural grip. One more point which should be noted is that the thumb of the right hand should be pointing to the right shoulder.
Maintaining a decent distance between the two legs is the next important step used for improving your golf swing. This distance between the legs should be equal to the length of the shoulder. Essential parts of the body like the shoulder, knee, hip and the foot should all be parallel. It is also essential in golf that the upper portion of the body should lean slightly. But the knees can be relaxed.
Conscientiously focus on proper body positioning when practicing your swing. Keep your shoulders and upper body together while the only your hand is turned as your body is rotating through the swing. Do this and improvement will surely come.
The most essential point to be remembered in golf for improving your golf swing is that your shoulder and body’s upper part should never move. Movement in these areas would reduce the body’s balance and result in a bad shot. The uniqueness of golf is that just the arm has to be rotated and the rest of the body has just to rotate like a swing in the direction the arm moves. If keen attention is paid to these factors, no one can stop you from improving your golf swing.
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